I love it looking foward to see more of the boys the story and everything! I might have found the next boy's sprite in the files but i wont spoil him to others.
hahaha, I do have a couple of unfinished sprites in there!! They look much better now, and will be released in the next update, so please take a look!! And thank you for your comment. There’s a lot more to see!! ❤️❤️
Hello, Happy Halloween Kideshi! also and in addition your VN and nice cool incredible really incredible excellent so yes it's rather original (yes I levelup your ee-go) not sure that my English and good but now I can't wait to see the sequel and see more new character hehe~ (and especially see a lot of NSFW~) and see how he will save the world and I have a question like how the males in your vn create other males you know what I mean eh but it's is all and good job :)
Feel free to ask anything! Though I can’t answer certain things as I don’t wanna spoil anything, so I’m sorry if I disappoint you! Lots of mystery in my VN 🩸🩸🩸
Thank you so much for your comment!! I’m so happy you like my visual novel, as crazy as it is!! There are heaps of characters for you to see, like Cano, Lucifer, P-ER, Nato, Thomas - and lots lots more!! And there’s a whole bunch of actually NSFW stuff in the next update, so please look forward to that! I enjoyed drawing them cause I love that shiz.
As there are only males in my universe, Kalightians are grown like plants!! It’s a bit of a process, but it’s kinda like planting a seed in the ground and fertilising it. I will touch more on it in the future!! ❤️❤️🩸🩸🩸❤️
Ah yes I see I don't prefer to imagine the image xD and the names you mentioned I imagine that they will be really stylish and powerful characters I hope that the main character can find a boyfriend and make friends or haters because I'm sure all the names you mentioned don't agree with their current situation in their world👀
Awwwwww, that’s so cute!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love Scarlet from Mortal Kombat!! She was my main in MK11 for her blood powers!! It’s so cool and so uncanny that you chose her to represent Neo, it’s perfect!!! 🩸🩸🩸
I also adore the detail you put in!! I see the symbol of Kalight on his dagger, a sun on there too (for the Sun Dagger)!!! I also see the patterns on everyone else’s shendyts on his clothes - the attention to detail is just wonderful!! Even the bags under his eyes - and the facial marks! I’m so happy to have such an amazing fan like you! And I honestly love the design, especially the head design! So cute and fluffy!!
Again, thank you so much! I’m working really hard on the next update, so I hope that suffices as a reward for your amazing fan art!! It’s the most fucked up update yet, so buckle up Bonny! ❤️
I just love the world you made, it has so much potential and I'm ready to experience the roller coaster of emotions that you've prepared for us.
Plus It's a good "goodnight story" for me, it's great when I read it while it's dark and rainy outside, it feels like I'm on the black colony observing from afar what mischief Neo and his group will get into.
Thank you for letting us read this story and it's more than enough as a reward for me. I'll be waiting patiently for the next update and I hope you like the Autumn air!
Just as enjoyable as the 1irst build, if not moreso with the added intimacy~ 😌 incredibly creative and very interesting. Love all the world building, it's so original 😋
Thank you so much!!! I try really hard to make it make sense but also be totally fucked up. I’m working on the third update right now and it is probably my favourite so far!! I hope you look forward to it ❤️
Well, xou're doing a great job 😁 there's a few things I'd change here and there, but I really like the direction of the story. My favourite part is learning about the world (and spending time with the boys, obviously~ 😉).
hahrheshf MY WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED! Thank you so much!!! Not only Neo was able to hold hands with Reuben but THE HUG! (plus you know~)
Man I can't wait for day 3, I mean who wouldn't want to see B man drunk, not only him but the whole squad and being so close now~ mmhm I hope Neo can hold hands again with Reuben this time for a lot more hours than mere second. I think Neo might wanna feel more of those muscles ;)
Talking about day 2 I did see a couple misspellings, but nothing bad! I was able to enjoy the story and burn my eyes with the multiple flashing colors and we're only halfway through (not even drunk yet!). I hope whatever will be waiting for them at the core will not result in one of them dying, B man seems to be the most stable one, I might just get another ride from him but from what I read he doesn't like physical contact, must be a PTSD thing (Question: Was there ever a war in the Ice Vein Colony?).
I Sensed some Jealousy from both B man and Reuben when Seth said that He and Neo could make babies, there might still be a chance for B man and Seth to get together or is B man really interested in Neo too?
That poor Bunny, can't he ever get some respite? And what the heck was Reuben's Childhood with all those creepy but also interesting stories about this rabbit. Man, I know Neo isn't really dad material but Reuben needs some more Paternal Caring or just a closure, hopefully we don't encounter their ghost on the core or Reuben might really just chose and join them.
P.S As Always the music is great, I especially loved the one titled "kalightianclass" it's so cheery and upbeat that it almost reminds me of Kindergarten music and the Pixel Vibes!! I love it so much. (also saw a file titled "reubenromance" you can't fool me, you've already teased us with the Steven Universe licking shenanigan and that Pillar near Neo's face, I really wish Reuben might give Neo a chance in the love department)
Here, as a gift, I tried to respond as quickly as I could so please don't mind Stick Seth, he's a Skinny legend for me.
Thank you so much for the comment!!! I loved reading it, and I'm glad you're enjoying my visual novel, Bon!!
Yes yes, day 3 is already in development and it's going quite well! It's gonna get really crazy and a lil NSFW! I can't tell you too much, but you'll be able to see a bit more of Reuben this time around ;)
Oh shit, what did I mis-spell?? I'll have to go over and edit it asap! Yeah the flashing colours were so fucking annoying to look at, but I wanted the reader to feel the same gross feeling Neo would be feeling. Yes, B Man has quite a... backstory, I could say. There's a lot to him!! To answer your question about the Ice Vein Colony... I can't tell you yet!! Don't worry, we'll get to the IVC in the future and meet a few new characters :3
Well B Man didn't reciprocate with Seth, but B Man doesn't seem to be able to reciprocate to anyone, so who knows what's gonna happen!! Maybe his philocision isn't working - or maybe he's just lying to make Seth feel better. Who knows!!
Yes, that poor bunny!! There's a lot more to him as well! And yes, Reuben needs his Dads back... Too bad that'll never happen, cause they're dead as fuck! But Reuben's story isn't over yet... you'll be seeing him go through a lot more in future updates!! ^^
Thank you for your compliment!! I have a lot of fun making the music for Season May - especially the light-hearted ones like Kalightian Class!! There's a whole shit load to learn about Kalight, so you'll be hearing it a lot lolololol. Also WOW I love that you're looking through the game files, hahahaha! And holy shit I didn't even realise that was a reference to Steven Universe and Steven's healing powers. I legit just wanted Neo to have an excuse to lick his wounds and engage in a bit of romance, that's so fuckin funny XD
YES SKINNY LEGEND SETH! I love that so much, you're so sweet for making a gift for me!! Hearing people talk about my work and show me things like this - it's so wonderful!! I hope my future updates make you just as happy as that made me!! :)
(P.S. We will be able to touch certain pillars in the future, wink wink nudge nudge)
"Touching pillars" ohoho~ someone is certainly a tease.
I know you can't spoil us too much of the story and I don't mind waiting, so please always remember to take a break once in a while, we appreciate your work but we don't want you to burn out.
Here are some screenshots about the misspellings, I only encountered 2 so it's not that big of a deal "how are we gonna to make it toe end" and "But if you die, you're won't get to avenge them" (This one is before Reuben was about to step in the crystal cave)
P.S I'll be there for the Kalightian Classes, they're super intruiguing
Thank you so much Bon!! I’m so sorry, you didn’t have to go through all that trouble and pick the mis-spellings out!! But I appreciate it, I will fix them up straight away!
Thanks again for being so enthusiastic about my VN. Lots more pillars and crazy alien classes to come!! 💚🖤💚🖤
Aww, thank you so much!! That’s exactly what I’m going for. Batshit crazy fucked up psychotic demonic, all that jazz! I’m just happy you’re not repelled! As for the story… it’s going in a lot of fucked up but enjoyable directions❤️❤️❤️
So I just finished Day 2 and...HNNNGGGHHHFFF please allow me to gush a little.
I was already in love with the characters and I find Kalight to be SUCH an intriguing and wonderfully weird universe. Some of the stuff you've come up with regarding how Kalightian (is that the right term? xwx) anatomy is actually really creative and interesting. It was nice seeing a little bit more of Kalight's lore being revealed and also delving a little deeper into the character's respective backgrounds as well (Poor Reuben TwT).
Seth is probs my fave so far though. He's such a horny lil fuckboy and I love it. Very much look forward to seeing more of him and the others getting into shenanigans later down the line. I await the next update with bated breath!
NGL I am VERY much tempted to make my own Kalight-based fan character just cuz I'm in love with this world so much. But I'll probably hold off until more of the lore comes to light as I certainly don't want to disrespect your series with my shameless self-insert character. :P
10/10 one of the best VNs I've read. Keep going, dude! You've got a huge fan in me already.
Thank you so much for reading, and for the comment!! I absolutely love it when people gush about my work, who wouldn’t??
Yes yes, I’ve tried to make my world and its inner workings as alien as possible! I’m so glad you appreciate that! (Reuben is gonna have some really great and even more tragic moments so dw)
naww, I’m glad to hear you like Seth!! I honestly didn’t think he was gonna be a fav cause right now he’s only a fuck boy. His backstory is very complicated and we’ll touch on that way later!!
Please do make your own OC, that would be extremely flattering!! No disrespect there!! I’ve felt very lonely having this world all to myself for many years, so seeing others interact with it is exactly what I’ve always wanted. And trust me, there are so, so many characters in this world and beyond!! I’m sure yours would fit right in. :)
(Unless it’s a female, as there are no females in my universe. Not to be sexist, just cause I want to be able to fuck every character I make, so I ain’t making girls)
Thank you again for your comment, that made my day 🖤🖤🖤
Haha. Well I was feeling a little inspired last night so I wrote a bit of fanfiction adapting one of my existing OCs to the Kalight universe. He's got his own weird and wonderful backstory in my own universe I've created for him but I figure he'd fit into Kalight decently well too!
Heheh. Well thank you very much, both for reading and for taking the time to respond. I certainly respect the fact that Season May is a very personal project for you, and I appreciate the fact that you're ok with me writing my own fanfic stuff, even if it's strictly non-canon to the universe. (No worries about Seth's lewd comments, btw. I literally invited it. And considering I'm in my 30s I'd say I'm an appropriate age. :P)
I wish I could take full credit for the art of Saboteur, but it's actually something I commissioned another artist to draw for me (as I couldn't draw my way out of a paper bag lmao). Still I'm glad you liked him and how I fit him into the Kalight universe. He's just one of MANY OCs I've created over the years and each of them get a little piece of me.
In his own canon Saboteur is actually the manifestation of a spirit that guards a little forested grove and protects it from those who would seek to harm nature. I'm working on writing a short novella about him, though admittedly I haven't been in a state where I've been able to work on it as much as I'd like.
His canon iteration is actually a lot braver and more capable than his Kalight version, but I thought due to the overall theme of the VN it would be fitting to insert a little more of my own life story into it as well. Namely the depression and anxiety, as well as the frustration at the current state of society and the people currently in power. (I'll shut up about that though lest I get too political)
In any case thank you so much for taking the respond to me and also listening to me gush over my own OCs. I will def be following Season May to the end and will also be recommending it to my friends!
Thank you so much for the comment!! Of course you can write fanfic, that's so flattering!! And hey, there's nothing wrong with getting a commission! But if you ever wanted to try drawing, just know you can do anything you put your mind to! Seboteur's backstory is quite beautiful and reminds me a bit of the Harthens - how they want to protect nature (AKA Kalight), so that fits right in! I hope the novella goes well, and don't rush yourself!!
And don't worry, I put my own emotions and experiences into my own characters too. What's the point of having life experience and not using it somehow? And I appreciate that you put a bit of yourself into the character knowing the VN's themes. Everyone has their own struggles and differences - that's what makes us all interesting and worth writing about!!
My pleasure!! You are so kind, dude! Recommending it would help me out a lot, so I really appreciate it!! And hey, no pressure if you don't stick around!! It's gonna get really strange - even stranger than it is already! But if you do stick around, I'll be very happy to have you with me on this journey! <3 <3
(P.S. Thank you for being a fan of my work. It means a lot :3 )
This has filled in the place where flat wood dropouts used to hold and I can't be more thankful since that other project stopped. Incredibly dark themes, but still kept lighthearted that is very hard to pull off. Great job!
Thank you so much!! I honestly didn't think many people liked Flatwood, so it's really flattering to hear that! And thank you for the compliment - I try really hard to incorporate both light and dark in all of my work, so I'm glad it's working out!! There's a lot more love and horror for you guys in the future xx
Hey also I wanted to say 2 things your work nothing more said there are 3 favorite characters it's on your vn that caught my attention it's Seth and Reuben and the base character even if Seth thinks with sex~ hehehe and also I want to help you but I forget that I don't draw at all so I'll pass on hehehe it's all good work ^^
I hope your VN Season May will attract a lot of people even if it's NSFW well I don't know if that's it you'll tell me afterwards but (even if it doesn't bother me :/ I can't wait to see more) so take your time and ask for help not from me but from the world who will see your work if you know what I mean :)
Thank you so much for the comments!! And thank you for offering help, that's so sweet!! Everything in my visual novel has come from me alone - the characters, the music, the story - it's a lot more work to do it by myself, but I'm determined to keep at it!! And yes, it's definitely going to be NSFW lolol. Penises and balls and all that jazz. NSFW stuff has been a part of my life for a long time and it's even got me through a whole bunch of shiz when I was lonely and depressed.
But thank you for the lovely comments and kind words, I really appreciate it, you made my day! And I hope Season May gets bigger, I just have to keep putting in the work!! <3 <3
Very intriguing so far! Cute characters and an interesting plot that immediately drew me in. I very much look forward to seeing and learning more about the world of Karlight in future updates.
Thank you for reading!! Trust me, there’s a whole bunch of things to learn - I’ve even added two individual learning segments in the next update, just to explain some of Kalight’s strange concepts! 🩷🩷
I liked Day 1. The world is interesting, the characters are enjoyable and i am looking forward to what is next.
However, i fell like the snarky comments and the use of slurs in some places can really break the immersion. Using them sparingly can enhance certain moments, not drag them down.
Thank you so much for reading, and I’m glad you’re looking forward to the next update (which is virtually finished!!)!
Yeah, I’ve had others in the past suggest for me to use less curse words. I’ll double check my usage of them before the next update! I just tend to use them a lot as that’s my own vocabulary in real life (I swear a lot)
I loved every part of it, (especially the train conductor part, wonder what cake he got in the end) can't wait for future updates. Let me give Reuben a hug, that boy needs affection! Also, CONFETTI! Yay! thank you for sharing this story with us and with such lovevly music to enjoy it too!
Very interesting! 😊 xour VN has a LOT of potential as it's extremely original with a strong concept and told in just as unique a way, which might I add, is a welcomed break from the regular hubbub of the day-to-day "woe is me" MC 😅
I would however like to suggest altering the intro, if ever so slightly. Something to more fluidly introduce us to the universe, for while xou do in fact disclose information as the tale progresses, I personally found it a little difficult to get into the groove until we meet Seth 🙂
But still, great work! ☺️ I like what xou've written so far, as I can tell there's a lot of passion put into it, so I look forward to where this story might take us~ 😌
Thank you so much for the compliments!! You’re right, the intro was a little bit discombobulating for sure. I’ll have to update it and find a way to explain more/ease the reader into the world, I just left it like that to aid the sense of mystery if that makes sense! But maybe too much mystery lolol
Wow! The writing is honestly so beautiful. The story alone is so though out and executed really well. I was invested! Not to mention the characters are really lovable and their designs are awesome. You can tell that the creator really poured their heart and soul into making this and I couldn't be more grateful that I got to experience it. 10/10, can't wait for the new updates!
Thank you so much, charrxv!! I've put so many years of emotions into this - and I'm so happy you appreciate it. It really means the world to me. My stories have saved me so many times up until now, and to hear you be so kind about my work fills me with joy. Thank you!! <3 <3 <3
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I love it looking foward to see more of the boys the story and everything! I might have found the next boy's sprite in the files but i wont spoil him to others.
hahaha, I do have a couple of unfinished sprites in there!! They look much better now, and will be released in the next update, so please take a look!! And thank you for your comment. There’s a lot more to see!! ❤️❤️
Hello, Happy Halloween Kideshi! also and in addition your VN and nice cool incredible really incredible excellent so yes it's rather original (yes I levelup your ee-go) not sure that my English and good but now I can't wait to see the sequel and see more new character hehe~ (and especially see a lot of NSFW~) and see how he will save the world and I have a question like how the males in your vn create other males you know what I mean eh but it's is all and good job :)
Also I especially add the guy at the beginning, will he help or are they crazy about the protagonist like when he runs away? O_O
I add again I have other questions
Feel free to ask anything! Though I can’t answer certain things as I don’t wanna spoil anything, so I’m sorry if I disappoint you! Lots of mystery in my VN 🩸🩸🩸
no problem
Hehe, you’ll have to wait and see!! But Steven Alpha is definitely coming back soon. He’s such a cutie 💛💛💛
Cute for sure but I didn't expect him to run away when they just met the main character thanks for the info :)
There’s a reason for that… 🤫
Thank you so much for your comment!! I’m so happy you like my visual novel, as crazy as it is!! There are heaps of characters for you to see, like Cano, Lucifer, P-ER, Nato, Thomas - and lots lots more!! And there’s a whole bunch of actually NSFW stuff in the next update, so please look forward to that! I enjoyed drawing them cause I love that shiz.
As there are only males in my universe, Kalightians are grown like plants!! It’s a bit of a process, but it’s kinda like planting a seed in the ground and fertilising it. I will touch more on it in the future!! ❤️❤️🩸🩸🩸❤️
Ah yes I see I don't prefer to imagine the image xD and the names you mentioned I imagine that they will be really stylish and powerful characters I hope that the main character can find a boyfriend and make friends or haters because I'm sure all the names you mentioned don't agree with their current situation in their world👀
I imagine it will end in fighting but I prefer to say nothing and see what happens in future updates👀
Hehehehe, there will be blood. 🩸🩸🩸
Happy Halloween Kideshi!
I'll give you a treat, presenting you with Neo as in his natural blood color, Scarlet!
Awwwwww, that’s so cute!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love Scarlet from Mortal Kombat!! She was my main in MK11 for her blood powers!! It’s so cool and so uncanny that you chose her to represent Neo, it’s perfect!!! 🩸🩸🩸
I also adore the detail you put in!! I see the symbol of Kalight on his dagger, a sun on there too (for the Sun Dagger)!!! I also see the patterns on everyone else’s shendyts on his clothes - the attention to detail is just wonderful!! Even the bags under his eyes - and the facial marks! I’m so happy to have such an amazing fan like you! And I honestly love the design, especially the head design! So cute and fluffy!!
Again, thank you so much! I’m working really hard on the next update, so I hope that suffices as a reward for your amazing fan art!! It’s the most fucked up update yet, so buckle up Bonny! ❤️
Aww shucks, you flatter me.
I just love the world you made, it has so much potential and I'm ready to experience the roller coaster of emotions that you've prepared for us.
Plus It's a good "goodnight story" for me, it's great when I read it while it's dark and rainy outside, it feels like I'm on the black colony observing from afar what mischief Neo and his group will get into.
Thank you for letting us read this story and it's more than enough as a reward for me. I'll be waiting patiently for the next update and I hope you like the Autumn air!
Happy November! ❤️
Just as enjoyable as the 1irst build, if not moreso with the added intimacy~ 😌 incredibly creative and very interesting. Love all the world building, it's so original 😋
Thank you so much!!! I try really hard to make it make sense but also be totally fucked up. I’m working on the third update right now and it is probably my favourite so far!! I hope you look forward to it ❤️
Well, xou're doing a great job 😁 there's a few things I'd change here and there, but I really like the direction of the story. My favourite part is learning about the world (and spending time with the boys, obviously~ 😉).
Thank you so much!! There’s so, so much for you to learn - and so many more characters to meet!! I’m glad you like my boys so far!! 🖤🖤
hahrheshf MY WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED! Thank you so much!!! Not only Neo was able to hold hands with Reuben but THE HUG! (plus you know~)
Man I can't wait for day 3, I mean who wouldn't want to see B man drunk, not only him but the whole squad and being so close now~ mmhm I hope Neo can hold hands again with Reuben this time for a lot more hours than mere second. I think Neo might wanna feel more of those muscles ;)
Talking about day 2 I did see a couple misspellings, but nothing bad! I was able to enjoy the story and burn my eyes with the multiple flashing colors and we're only halfway through (not even drunk yet!). I hope whatever will be waiting for them at the core will not result in one of them dying, B man seems to be the most stable one, I might just get another ride from him but from what I read he doesn't like physical contact, must be a PTSD thing (Question: Was there ever a war in the Ice Vein Colony?).
I Sensed some Jealousy from both B man and Reuben when Seth said that He and Neo could make babies, there might still be a chance for B man and Seth to get together or is B man really interested in Neo too?
That poor Bunny, can't he ever get some respite? And what the heck was Reuben's Childhood with all those creepy but also interesting stories about this rabbit. Man, I know Neo isn't really dad material but Reuben needs some more Paternal Caring or just a closure, hopefully we don't encounter their ghost on the core or Reuben might really just chose and join them.
P.S As Always the music is great, I especially loved the one titled "kalightianclass" it's so cheery and upbeat that it almost reminds me of Kindergarten music and the Pixel Vibes!! I love it so much. (also saw a file titled "reubenromance" you can't fool me, you've already teased us with the Steven Universe licking shenanigan and that Pillar near Neo's face, I really wish Reuben might give Neo a chance in the love department)
Here, as a gift, I tried to respond as quickly as I could so please don't mind Stick Seth, he's a Skinny legend for me.
Thank you so much for the comment!!! I loved reading it, and I'm glad you're enjoying my visual novel, Bon!!
Yes yes, day 3 is already in development and it's going quite well! It's gonna get really crazy and a lil NSFW! I can't tell you too much, but you'll be able to see a bit more of Reuben this time around ;)
Oh shit, what did I mis-spell?? I'll have to go over and edit it asap! Yeah the flashing colours were so fucking annoying to look at, but I wanted the reader to feel the same gross feeling Neo would be feeling. Yes, B Man has quite a... backstory, I could say. There's a lot to him!! To answer your question about the Ice Vein Colony... I can't tell you yet!! Don't worry, we'll get to the IVC in the future and meet a few new characters :3
Well B Man didn't reciprocate with Seth, but B Man doesn't seem to be able to reciprocate to anyone, so who knows what's gonna happen!! Maybe his philocision isn't working - or maybe he's just lying to make Seth feel better. Who knows!!
Yes, that poor bunny!! There's a lot more to him as well! And yes, Reuben needs his Dads back... Too bad that'll never happen, cause they're dead as fuck! But Reuben's story isn't over yet... you'll be seeing him go through a lot more in future updates!! ^^
Thank you for your compliment!! I have a lot of fun making the music for Season May - especially the light-hearted ones like Kalightian Class!! There's a whole shit load to learn about Kalight, so you'll be hearing it a lot lolololol. Also WOW I love that you're looking through the game files, hahahaha! And holy shit I didn't even realise that was a reference to Steven Universe and Steven's healing powers. I legit just wanted Neo to have an excuse to lick his wounds and engage in a bit of romance, that's so fuckin funny XD
YES SKINNY LEGEND SETH! I love that so much, you're so sweet for making a gift for me!! Hearing people talk about my work and show me things like this - it's so wonderful!! I hope my future updates make you just as happy as that made me!! :)
(P.S. We will be able to touch certain pillars in the future, wink wink nudge nudge)
"Touching pillars" ohoho~ someone is certainly a tease.
I know you can't spoil us too much of the story and I don't mind waiting, so please always remember to take a break once in a while, we appreciate your work but we don't want you to burn out.
Here are some screenshots about the misspellings, I only encountered 2 so it's not that big of a deal "how are we gonna
tomake it toe end" and "But if you die, you'rewon't get to avenge them" (This one is before Reuben was about to step in the crystal cave)P.S I'll be there for the Kalightian Classes, they're super intruiguing

Thank you so much Bon!! I’m so sorry, you didn’t have to go through all that trouble and pick the mis-spellings out!! But I appreciate it, I will fix them up straight away!
Thanks again for being so enthusiastic about my VN. Lots more pillars and crazy alien classes to come!! 💚🖤💚🖤
This story is batshit in the best possible way. Your imagination is both intriguing and terrifying. So excited to see where this story goes.
Aww, thank you so much!! That’s exactly what I’m going for. Batshit crazy fucked up psychotic demonic, all that jazz! I’m just happy you’re not repelled! As for the story… it’s going in a lot of fucked up but enjoyable directions❤️❤️❤️
So I just finished Day 2 and...HNNNGGGHHHFFF please allow me to gush a little.
I was already in love with the characters and I find Kalight to be SUCH an intriguing and wonderfully weird universe. Some of the stuff you've come up with regarding how Kalightian (is that the right term? xwx) anatomy is actually really creative and interesting. It was nice seeing a little bit more of Kalight's lore being revealed and also delving a little deeper into the character's respective backgrounds as well (Poor Reuben TwT).
Seth is probs my fave so far though. He's such a horny lil fuckboy and I love it. Very much look forward to seeing more of him and the others getting into shenanigans later down the line. I await the next update with bated breath!
NGL I am VERY much tempted to make my own Kalight-based fan character just cuz I'm in love with this world so much. But I'll probably hold off until more of the lore comes to light as I certainly don't want to disrespect your series with my shameless self-insert character. :P
10/10 one of the best VNs I've read. Keep going, dude! You've got a huge fan in me already.
Thank you so much for reading, and for the comment!! I absolutely love it when people gush about my work, who wouldn’t??
Yes yes, I’ve tried to make my world and its inner workings as alien as possible! I’m so glad you appreciate that! (Reuben is gonna have some really great and even more tragic moments so dw)
naww, I’m glad to hear you like Seth!! I honestly didn’t think he was gonna be a fav cause right now he’s only a fuck boy. His backstory is very complicated and we’ll touch on that way later!!
Please do make your own OC, that would be extremely flattering!! No disrespect there!! I’ve felt very lonely having this world all to myself for many years, so seeing others interact with it is exactly what I’ve always wanted. And trust me, there are so, so many characters in this world and beyond!! I’m sure yours would fit right in. :)
(Unless it’s a female, as there are no females in my universe. Not to be sexist, just cause I want to be able to fuck every character I make, so I ain’t making girls)
Thank you again for your comment, that made my day 🖤🖤🖤
Haha. Well I was feeling a little inspired last night so I wrote a bit of fanfiction adapting one of my existing OCs to the Kalight universe. He's got his own weird and wonderful backstory in my own universe I've created for him but I figure he'd fit into Kalight decently well too!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kE7GAST82pRUJQ0fevBjAiZJrC60ca3aw7dQU4IcuOw/... Here it is if you wanted to take a peek. It's basically just a letter he wrote to the main cast. Also including a ref just so you can see what he looks like and because I like sharing my own stuff.
Anyway thank you for taking the time to reply and I def look forward to seeing Day 3 when it's ready to be released!
Thank you for the letter!! I loved it so much!! Here's a bit of a response for you!!
I love that character so much btw, he is so hot oml and so strange if you consider Kalightian anatomy (his skull/brain being outside of his body lol)
Heheh. Well thank you very much, both for reading and for taking the time to respond. I certainly respect the fact that Season May is a very personal project for you, and I appreciate the fact that you're ok with me writing my own fanfic stuff, even if it's strictly non-canon to the universe. (No worries about Seth's lewd comments, btw. I literally invited it. And considering I'm in my 30s I'd say I'm an appropriate age. :P)
I wish I could take full credit for the art of Saboteur, but it's actually something I commissioned another artist to draw for me (as I couldn't draw my way out of a paper bag lmao). Still I'm glad you liked him and how I fit him into the Kalight universe. He's just one of MANY OCs I've created over the years and each of them get a little piece of me.
In his own canon Saboteur is actually the manifestation of a spirit that guards a little forested grove and protects it from those who would seek to harm nature. I'm working on writing a short novella about him, though admittedly I haven't been in a state where I've been able to work on it as much as I'd like.
His canon iteration is actually a lot braver and more capable than his Kalight version, but I thought due to the overall theme of the VN it would be fitting to insert a little more of my own life story into it as well. Namely the depression and anxiety, as well as the frustration at the current state of society and the people currently in power. (I'll shut up about that though lest I get too political)
In any case thank you so much for taking the respond to me and also listening to me gush over my own OCs. I will def be following Season May to the end and will also be recommending it to my friends!
Thank you so much for the comment!! Of course you can write fanfic, that's so flattering!! And hey, there's nothing wrong with getting a commission! But if you ever wanted to try drawing, just know you can do anything you put your mind to! Seboteur's backstory is quite beautiful and reminds me a bit of the Harthens - how they want to protect nature (AKA Kalight), so that fits right in! I hope the novella goes well, and don't rush yourself!!
And don't worry, I put my own emotions and experiences into my own characters too. What's the point of having life experience and not using it somehow? And I appreciate that you put a bit of yourself into the character knowing the VN's themes. Everyone has their own struggles and differences - that's what makes us all interesting and worth writing about!!
My pleasure!! You are so kind, dude! Recommending it would help me out a lot, so I really appreciate it!! And hey, no pressure if you don't stick around!! It's gonna get really strange - even stranger than it is already! But if you do stick around, I'll be very happy to have you with me on this journey! <3 <3
(P.S. Thank you for being a fan of my work. It means a lot :3 )
This has filled in the place where flat wood dropouts used to hold and I can't be more thankful since that other project stopped. Incredibly dark themes, but still kept lighthearted that is very hard to pull off. Great job!
Thank you so much!! I honestly didn't think many people liked Flatwood, so it's really flattering to hear that! And thank you for the compliment - I try really hard to incorporate both light and dark in all of my work, so I'm glad it's working out!! There's a lot more love and horror for you guys in the future xx
So to start the update and really not bad BUT HOWEVER I don't know if it was on purpose but he made sexual jokes it was hilarious xD
PLS DAY 3 :)
Lots of gay sex jokes, yes!! Thank you for reading!! And yes, I’m working on Day 3 right now 🩷🩷
Hey also I wanted to say 2 things your work nothing more said there are 3 favorite characters it's on your vn that caught my attention it's Seth and Reuben and the base character even if Seth thinks with sex~ hehehe and also I want to help you but I forget that I don't draw at all so I'll pass on hehehe it's all good work ^^
I hope your VN Season May will attract a lot of people even if it's NSFW well I don't know if that's it you'll tell me afterwards but (even if it doesn't bother me :/ I can't wait to see more) so take your time and ask for help not from me but from the world who will see your work if you know what I mean :)
Thank you so much for the comments!! And thank you for offering help, that's so sweet!! Everything in my visual novel has come from me alone - the characters, the music, the story - it's a lot more work to do it by myself, but I'm determined to keep at it!! And yes, it's definitely going to be NSFW lolol. Penises and balls and all that jazz. NSFW stuff has been a part of my life for a long time and it's even got me through a whole bunch of shiz when I was lonely and depressed.
But thank you for the lovely comments and kind words, I really appreciate it, you made my day! And I hope Season May gets bigger, I just have to keep putting in the work!! <3 <3
Very intriguing so far! Cute characters and an interesting plot that immediately drew me in. I very much look forward to seeing and learning more about the world of Karlight in future updates.
Thank you for reading!! Trust me, there’s a whole bunch of things to learn - I’ve even added two individual learning segments in the next update, just to explain some of Kalight’s strange concepts! 🩷🩷
I liked Day 1. The world is interesting, the characters are enjoyable and i am looking forward to what is next.
However, i fell like the snarky comments and the use of slurs in some places can really break the immersion. Using them sparingly can enhance certain moments, not drag them down.
Besides that, I liked it.
Thank you so much for reading, and I’m glad you’re looking forward to the next update (which is virtually finished!!)!
Yeah, I’ve had others in the past suggest for me to use less curse words. I’ll double check my usage of them before the next update! I just tend to use them a lot as that’s my own vocabulary in real life (I swear a lot)
The artstyle and tone are really familiar, you wouldn't happen to have anything to do with Flatwoods Dropouts, would you?
This sounds interesting! Any plan for an android version?
it's just great I watched the beginning to the end now I'm waiting to see the rest very nice work in any case :)
a planned sequel ? :
what do you mean? :0
Thank you so much!! I’m working hard to get the next chapter out asap ❤️
Well, that answers my question HEHE :)
I loved every part of it, (especially the train conductor part, wonder what cake he got in the end) can't wait for future updates. Let me give Reuben a hug, that boy needs affection! Also, CONFETTI! Yay! thank you for sharing this story with us and with such lovevly music to enjoy it too!
HAHAHA, yeah that conductor was really funny to write. I love random stuff! Thank you so much for your comment!! ❤️
(P.S. Reuben would probably disintegrate if you hugged him)
it's weird but the gud kind of weird looking forward to future updates
thank you!! Everything’s totally fucked ❤️
I used joiplay for now but yes apk would be good for next builds
Very interesting! 😊 xour VN has a LOT of potential as it's extremely original with a strong concept and told in just as unique a way, which might I add, is a welcomed break from the regular hubbub of the day-to-day "woe is me" MC 😅
I would however like to suggest altering the intro, if ever so slightly. Something to more fluidly introduce us to the universe, for while xou do in fact disclose information as the tale progresses, I personally found it a little difficult to get into the groove until we meet Seth 🙂
But still, great work! ☺️ I like what xou've written so far, as I can tell there's a lot of passion put into it, so I look forward to where this story might take us~ 😌
Thank you so much for the compliments!! You’re right, the intro was a little bit discombobulating for sure. I’ll have to update it and find a way to explain more/ease the reader into the world, I just left it like that to aid the sense of mystery if that makes sense! But maybe too much mystery lolol
But again, thank you! ❤️
I had fun reading this good story looking forwards to updates
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
refreshing writing, weird ass world and gay sex, I'm in
Hahaha, thank you for the compliments! ❤️❤️❤️
Wow! The writing is honestly so beautiful. The story alone is so though out and executed really well. I was invested! Not to mention the characters are really lovable and their designs are awesome. You can tell that the creator really poured their heart and soul into making this and I couldn't be more grateful that I got to experience it. 10/10, can't wait for the new updates!
Thank you so much, charrxv!! I've put so many years of emotions into this - and I'm so happy you appreciate it. It really means the world to me. My stories have saved me so many times up until now, and to hear you be so kind about my work fills me with joy. Thank you!! <3 <3 <3