Is the game still in development or is it abandoned? With no info, no one will know. Perhaps a Discord server where we get updates on how is it going would be good, or a patreon.
The author made a community post a while back about how there's aspects of this vn he's disatisfied with, and that it was not turning out the way he fully invisioned, so he's moving on to another project
Still holding out hope that we might see more of this eventually even if it's been a year since the last update. Well wishes to the author and hope you're doing ok, wherever ya are.
ok not sure what i'm supposed to feel but okay, it was an experience.
So, just to know, is it the end of the story ? Or do you plan to pursue it ? If so, well good luck on that ! You got something here, a worldbuilding and interesting premice.
Welp base on the comment alone tell me it gonna be a blast but....... mostly really my mental health might not be able to handle what come to me if I may play/read it. But doesn't mean I won't be tackling it, just need the right time to get to it.
but hey if I tackle it today with my current health and I fell in the spiral pit of hell. I think kalemsight might be able to bring me back from the pit it self XD ( I'm sorry but it to hilarious not to mention it when I stumble upon it XD )
keep up the good work and always priorities your health if it getting worse. Have a nice long rest for this master piece I might tackled in the future💕
oh, im sorry, i mainly made the comment because the creator deleted the socials originally meant to advertise the new VN, i was concerned and didnt know how to express it that time so i masked it in sarcasm. I didnt mean to make it come out this way, i sincerely apologize to you and Kideshi.
Praying to the heavens above that you aint dead rn, cuz if you is. Then istg i will pull you out the firey pits of satan, i will personally drag you out of them lava rivers myself to finish this game lil bro. Demons will DIE, Lucifer himself will be MORTIFIED of the horrors i am about to unleash upon them. 🙏
Here lies the body of Kideshi, presumably born no sooner than 2005 and no later than 1990. As a humble fan of his work, I shall mourn the creator of the game, a game he can never finish. I think we can all agree that his work has touched all of our hearts, and could have touched the hearts of others. He was taken too soon, and now we may have been left on a cliffhanger. I hope death may guide him peacefully to the afterlife. And whoever has access to his hard drive, please, in honor of his memory, finish the work he can never finish; I think that only then he can have peace.
He is probably still alive but just moving on or too busy with his life or something. Or he will return with another game under different account in a few years like how he move on from Flatwood drop-out to create this game.
prolly. but you know how people say “chat is dead” on discord if theres no one chatting or no activity? Well this is basically that but with an account, thats why i said the account name not his real name (because i dont know his real name) so allat is just a joke. But i am sorrowful as i really wanted to finish the game…
Hey, man. The vn was amazing, i loved how you wrote each and every characters personality, i also loved how you named b man's cafe the semicolon cafe because the semicolon is a symbol of mental health and suicide awareness since he suffered from depression before. I cant wait for day 5! And also take your time, because quality takes time. But if you havnet already, can you make a social media account where you post updates about the game? I dont wanna sound paranoid, which i very much am, but its been three months and ive been very worried. I hope this doesnt put much pressure on you though, i just want to voice out my concern because im kinda alone and its rare for me to see an actual, good, Visual Novel that distracts me from that.
Hello kalemsight, the one who brought me back from the depths of Hell!!
Thank you so very much for your amazing compliments!!! And I'm so glad you noticed all the small little details I put into the visual novel!! Sometimes I'm not sure if anyone gets them - I wasn't even sure if anyone had pressed the "detonate" button until a few months ago lol
Naww... I totally get you. I'm going through a lot of stuff too, and I'm always alone... hence why I haven't updated the visual novel in a few months... I've been trying to stay away from it and block it out of my mind because it hurts to think about... but uh, I'm about to make a post explaining everything!! So please stay tuned for that!! And thank you for even showing a tiny bit of concern for me and my art. I will forever appreciate your enthusiasm and your worry for me. I will never forget it!! <3 <3 <3
Aww, I'm so glad I made you feel appreciated! And I don't know if this was because of the episode, but seeing that you replied to this and my last comment actually made me jump in glee, hahaha. But, anyways, if it hurts too much to think about, you could always take a hiatus until you feel better. But if it persists for too long, you could consider giving the project to someone else to finish. Because you should always prioritize your mental health over a game. These are one of the times where you don't push yourself too hard since it always makes you worse rather than better. So what I'm trying to say is, take your time, but if there isn't enough time, you could always give that time to someone else. <3
Naww, i’m so glad!! I just submitted a post about it just now!! I’m going to be moving on to another exciting project! But i will be keeping many things from Season May. Not all of it will be lost! My characters and my stories will always stay with me… and yes, that is true! Giving the story to someone else could be a wonderful idea, and i would feel awful just giving up on it. But just like the reason i make everything on my own, i could never give my characters or stories over to someone else… it would truly be like ripping my heart out!! i’ve spent so much time alone and with only my characters to keep me alive… i could never part with them or give them to someone. they’re like my children, if you know what i mean. essential parts of my suffering, and an essential part of my identity… but as i said, when i move on to another project, all will not be forgotten… ❤️❤️
and thank you for the comment, i appreciate it!! ❤️
Aww man, does that mean it'll get discontinued? I really wanted to see the ending of it, but that's alright, i understand, and i get what you mean. Just as long as you feel that it's the right decision, then it's the right decision. Also, I can't wait to see or possibly play your other projects in the future. I can tell by your experiences you can make a great angst story, hahaha. 🫶
I created my account just to comment here. I loved this game so much😭😭 it's so bad that finished, I really hope that you upload more times in future (I so sad to not know your work before because I would love to know you) . I loved your work please don't stop, I would love if I could interact with you because you apper to be a lovely person and this is story is making me anxious because I want to know more about. Good work (sorry if is difficult to read, my English isn't very good)
Thank you LionLost!!! You are so lovely!! I'm sorry for the late reply. I so very much appreciate you making an account to comment - sometimes I forget that people play the game and don't comment, so I kind of anticipate the comments mostly. I'm just about to make a post, so please stay tuned for that!! And I'm so flattered that you think I'm a good person - I try, haha! <3 <3 <3
And don't worry, your English is just fine to me ;)
You're alive !! 😭😭😭 thanks for everything, I'm glad that you think my English is fine, I really try... but I'd like to know, I didn't find the Spotify's playlist ;-; could send the link??? I really want to listen the songs that helped you create this incredible world.
Thanks for reply <3 <3 <3 the time is just fine, the important is that try to
Oh, it's not often i find games that hit.. That close to the heart. I have too much emotions that i can't convey in comments, but i'd really wish to. It feels painful to relate on so much levels with some of the characters.
Please feel free to convey said emotions, I'd love to hear them! Sorry I'm a bit late, haha. And yes - the characters are all very uh... troubled. Not in a stereotypical trauma-dump way, but a uh... sophisticated way. I think. Hope. Lol <3 And I'm so glad it hit close to your heart, cause I ripped out mine and put it in this game lol <3
holy fucking shit i came here expecting next from nothin and all of a sudden i'm fuckin blasted with some of the most well written scenes (especially the depressive ones) that i've ever seen!! it easily became my favorite vn lmao
great job man, i fucking adore your style and i CAN'T wait to see the next update!
Thank you gakomi!!!! That is such high praise!! I'm so humbled by your compliment!! I'm so happy you enjoyed my art. I worked so hard on it, and it makes me smile knowing that it's one of your faves!!! <3 <3
When I was looking for a novel to play, I came across this game, and the first thing that surprised and attracted me was the concept of the main character: “A fox who bleeds from his ears and nose.” I was very attracted to this, and without thinking twice, I downloaded it. Then I passed it, and I was surprised that it was horror because I didn’t look at the tags initially and didn’t know that it was psychological horror, not just horror. The scene in the cave left an indelible mark on me. I then walked for several more days and had that same scene in my head. The OST is amazing. I'm not listening to it. I'm really looking forward to the next days. The story of Neo and Seth is very interesting. The author needs more patience and strength. I really want to plunge into this world again!
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to read my visual novel!!! I'm so sorry if the horror aspects caught you off guard - and I hope it didn't leave a negative impact on you!! But hey... I'm glad you got a few memories out of it! That scene in the cave was extremely important to me - and one that I am very proud of writing. It's a very familiar scene in my real life, and I'm glad I was able to put it in this visual novel and show my readers what mental health can look like!! <3 <3
And thank you for the compliment!! I worked so incredibly hard on the OST... so so many hours lmao <3
Thank you for the work done on the game, you shouldn’t regret that it turned out great, it’s worth saying that the horror element was really scary, you perfectly prepared the player for this moment with music and conversations with the characters, although I’m not a connoisseur of visual novels (after all, I’ve only played a few novels) As for me, you approached something like a doki-doki literary club. I also really want to note that the scene in the cave is, for me, one of the best scenes in the game, probably because of the turning point that occurs at this time.Now, you may not believe me, but I considered this moment and thought that at the time of developing this scene you were not going through the best moments in your life (or it’s just a bias towards the way people look with various psychological problems)
Not going to lie, I never comment on any vn I play (I play a lot) but this one is honestly one of the most enthralling stories I've read in a long time and I absolutely love the art! I binged the entire thing and now I'm eager for the next update! Amazing work! (P.S Android build worked perfectly I believe)
Thank you so much!!! I wasn't sure if the android version worked or not, so I'm glad it did! I can't believe I even figured it out lol. And thank you for the comment!!! I appreciate it more than you know!! <3 <3
AHHHHH I'M SO LATE, AGAIN! but my usual monthly comment after an update has arrived!
First of all, I love all the changes you did even if minimal, it's really is a pain in the ass if you've already got so many sprites to edit and I assure you we'll be happy even if for you it doesn't look quite right since after all you as their creator will see details that most of us won't notice. Second, I'm astonished with all the backgrounds that you made and 13 music tracks! You really made a lot of work for this update.
Now for the story: You almost made me had a heart attack, heck that disappearing act that Reuben did and the upcoming alphas that might put a stop to all Neo did, almost made me think we'd lose him. I was surprised that Neo took out an omega like Darhunt in such a short time and (love the sun dagger design) thanks for another 101 of the Kalight body functions 'cause if I didn't know that I'd though Darhunt was a goner. Is Neo secretly a past Alpha or Omega or something much more endearing? More to the 101 biology of the Kalightians about their organs, much appreciated but I do have a question, Is their blood some kind of acid? that also tasted good or bad depending on the person and maybe what they eat.
MmmGHhhMm Reuben's scene... I'm with Neo with this one, it's a bit soon but it's not like we ate, took or drank what was in front of us, they were just helping a buddy blacking a whole colony through a helping hand. I'm so glad Neo was able to reason with Reuben 'cause if he didn't come with the Jaw Divers I'd manually put an option to stay with Reub and make the game end as one of the endings, glad that wasn't the case.
Ahh the finally a background that isn't a shade of gray, Purple Flesh Colony here we are! Shame we didn't spend as much time in it like we did in the Black Colony, I really liked the design of the city and it's not as blinding as the White Colony, fortunately B man's bar is just the perfect place to shield my eyes from being blind. Now I wanna know how popular B man's bar is since his blood is so tasteful and the ambience is so moody in such a good way that it'd be like a chill café. Love our interaction with "Fanboy" Darhunt (Only for S'Ferro) and the little bed time story Seth told us.
Here you unlocked a part of DancingSeth.png
I'm not sure what to expect in the next updates since now they have a lot of open options. I won't bother you with the misspellings since there's almost none... depending if you're using American English over Britannic English.
Love from Bon <3 <3 <3 (I'll try to finish the "dancingseth.png" for next update and maybe add something more mmm, Until Next Time!)
Hello, my wonderful friend Bon!!! I'm so sorry I haven't replied... I've been going through a lot as usual... and I'll explain all in a post very soon. But thank you so, so much for your wonderful compliments and comments that I keep getting. Your comments are always one of my favourites to recieve!!!
Their blood is uh, kind of like an acid I guess! But moreso just blood! Or rather a more sophisticated type of blood that's a bit more efficient than ours.
HAHAHA!! Yes, that Reuben scene was honestly really hard to write. Not only because it's so sad... but because I've clearly gone through the same thing. Sitting there, not wanting anything, thinking your life is worthless and better off being over... only for you to get up and live another day, for no reason at all. Just the will to live is enough, without reason. It's quite a powerful scene - I genuinely think it's one of the best ones I've written as most of the time when a character is sad, there'll be a solution - or some sort of quote for the protagonist to lift them up. But here... it's just nothing. And I feel like that's more realistic...
Thank you so so much for the dancing Seth!!! That made my day when I saw it... and thank you so much for all the fan art and little gifts along the way. Honestly, it's what got me through a lot of the updates. I promise my work isn't finished (unless something happens to me out of my control) - and I sincerely hope to keep you as a loving fan.
I'm just about to make a post about a few things... please give it your attention! Of course, you've already done so much for me - I don't expect you to do any more. I honestly love you guys so much, especially you Bon!! <3 <3 <3
Hehehehe, thank you!!! I worked so hard on the soundtrack - I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! "Touch Me Lullaby" is a distorted version of a song I made back in Year 12 when I was going through a lot of mental issues. It's probably the saddest song I've ever written, and I thought putting it right before the possible suicide scene would make a lot of sense!! :3
HAHAHA, I used that for Flatwood Drop-Outs (my first VN) and I had to keep it in. I always loved the idea of answering with "maybe" cause why tf not you know XP
This has quickly become a feel good novel for me 😊 I find myself smiling, and even laughing, with every update. The world is so fascinating and fun to learn about, and while such intricate details would usually make it feel messy, xour style of writing, or perhaps simply the overall delivery of the story, doesn't make it feel strenuous or confusing to read 😌
Xou're doing a great job, btw 🙂 I know, better than most, the struggles of being overly critical on one's self, and while I haven't yet found a better solution other than spending time outside my head, and perhaps receiving encouragement from others, sometimes xou just gotta keep soldiering through! 😋 There are people who love what xou're doing, so just keep doing it! 😉
Thank you so much Phamyne!! I sincerely appreciate your wonderful compliments!! I tried really hard to balance what to explain to the reader and what not to explain - I hope I did an okay job lol!! One piece of advice I would recommend would be to remind yourself of reality and what really matters - a bird's eye view, perhaps. Just know that you're one little spec on the planet with billions of other little specs bustling around - no matter what you do or what you think, the only opinion that matters is yours! And nothing anyone does will have an eternal impact, so don't worry!! you're perfect the way you are <3
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Is the game still in development or is it abandoned? With no info, no one will know. Perhaps a Discord server where we get updates on how is it going would be good, or a patreon.
The author made a community post a while back about how there's aspects of this vn he's disatisfied with, and that it was not turning out the way he fully invisioned, so he's moving on to another project
In short; discontinued.
Still holding out hope that we might see more of this eventually even if it's been a year since the last update. Well wishes to the author and hope you're doing ok, wherever ya are.
ok not sure what i'm supposed to feel but okay, it was an experience.
So, just to know, is it the end of the story ? Or do you plan to pursue it ? If so, well good luck on that ! You got something here, a worldbuilding and interesting premice.
Are you ok?
Welp base on the comment alone tell me it gonna be a blast but....... mostly really my mental health might not be able to handle what come to me if I may play/read it. But doesn't mean I won't be tackling it, just need the right time to get to it.
but hey if I tackle it today with my current health and I fell in the spiral pit of hell. I think kalemsight might be able to bring me back from the pit it self XD ( I'm sorry but it to hilarious not to mention it when I stumble upon it XD )
keep up the good work and always priorities your health if it getting worse. Have a nice long rest for this master piece I might tackled in the future💕
aint now way not again 😭
Can you like, chill?
If they haven't posted anything regarding updates, don't go around spreading baseless rumors.
It's VERY rude and a disservice to the author.
oh, im sorry, i mainly made the comment because the creator deleted the socials originally meant to advertise the new VN, i was concerned and didnt know how to express it that time so i masked it in sarcasm. I didnt mean to make it come out this way, i sincerely apologize to you and Kideshi.
there’s a lot of other FVNs you can try
here, i listed them a lot of them on this docs
Praying to the heavens above that you aint dead rn, cuz if you is. Then istg i will pull you out the firey pits of satan, i will personally drag you out of them lava rivers myself to finish this game lil bro. Demons will DIE, Lucifer himself will be MORTIFIED of the horrors i am about to unleash upon them. 🙏
I think… we dont have hope anymore…
Here lies the body of Kideshi, presumably born no sooner than 2005 and no later than 1990. As a humble fan of his work, I shall mourn the creator of the game, a game he can never finish. I think we can all agree that his work has touched all of our hearts, and could have touched the hearts of others. He was taken too soon, and now we may have been left on a cliffhanger. I hope death may guide him peacefully to the afterlife. And whoever has access to his hard drive, please, in honor of his memory, finish the work he can never finish; I think that only then he can have peace.
where are you getting this information
Based on the current evidence
Yeah but where
He is probably still alive but just moving on or too busy with his life or something. Or he will return with another game under different account in a few years like how he move on from Flatwood drop-out to create this game.
But yeah his work is great. 10/10. best furry vn.
prolly. but you know how people say “chat is dead” on discord if theres no one chatting or no activity? Well this is basically that but with an account, thats why i said the account name not his real name (because i dont know his real name) so allat is just a joke. But i am sorrowful as i really wanted to finish the game…
omg your not dead…
(Love your work btw, take your time.)
Hey, man. The vn was amazing, i loved how you wrote each and every characters personality, i also loved how you named b man's cafe the semicolon cafe because the semicolon is a symbol of mental health and suicide awareness since he suffered from depression before. I cant wait for day 5! And also take your time, because quality takes time. But if you havnet already, can you make a social media account where you post updates about the game? I dont wanna sound paranoid, which i very much am, but its been three months and ive been very worried. I hope this doesnt put much pressure on you though, i just want to voice out my concern because im kinda alone and its rare for me to see an actual, good, Visual Novel that distracts me from that.
Hello kalemsight, the one who brought me back from the depths of Hell!!
Thank you so very much for your amazing compliments!!! And I'm so glad you noticed all the small little details I put into the visual novel!! Sometimes I'm not sure if anyone gets them - I wasn't even sure if anyone had pressed the "detonate" button until a few months ago lol
Naww... I totally get you. I'm going through a lot of stuff too, and I'm always alone... hence why I haven't updated the visual novel in a few months... I've been trying to stay away from it and block it out of my mind because it hurts to think about... but uh, I'm about to make a post explaining everything!! So please stay tuned for that!! And thank you for even showing a tiny bit of concern for me and my art. I will forever appreciate your enthusiasm and your worry for me. I will never forget it!! <3 <3 <3
But again, stay tuned for that post!!!
Aww, I'm so glad I made you feel appreciated! And I don't know if this was because of the episode, but seeing that you replied to this and my last comment actually made me jump in glee, hahaha. But, anyways, if it hurts too much to think about, you could always take a hiatus until you feel better. But if it persists for too long, you could consider giving the project to someone else to finish. Because you should always prioritize your mental health over a game. These are one of the times where you don't push yourself too hard since it always makes you worse rather than better. So what I'm trying to say is, take your time, but if there isn't enough time, you could always give that time to someone else. <3
Naww, i’m so glad!! I just submitted a post about it just now!! I’m going to be moving on to another exciting project! But i will be keeping many things from Season May. Not all of it will be lost! My characters and my stories will always stay with me… and yes, that is true! Giving the story to someone else could be a wonderful idea, and i would feel awful just giving up on it. But just like the reason i make everything on my own, i could never give my characters or stories over to someone else… it would truly be like ripping my heart out!! i’ve spent so much time alone and with only my characters to keep me alive… i could never part with them or give them to someone. they’re like my children, if you know what i mean. essential parts of my suffering, and an essential part of my identity… but as i said, when i move on to another project, all will not be forgotten… ❤️❤️
and thank you for the comment, i appreciate it!! ❤️
Aww man, does that mean it'll get discontinued? I really wanted to see the ending of it, but that's alright, i understand, and i get what you mean. Just as long as you feel that it's the right decision, then it's the right decision. Also, I can't wait to see or possibly play your other projects in the future. I can tell by your experiences you can make a great angst story, hahaha. 🫶Oh and no problem!
I can't found the playlist 😭😭😭😭
I created my account just to comment here. I loved this game so much😭😭 it's so bad that finished, I really hope that you upload more times in future (I so sad to not know your work before because I would love to know you) . I loved your work please don't stop, I would love if I could interact with you because you apper to be a lovely person and this is story is making me anxious because I want to know more about. Good work (sorry if is difficult to read, my English isn't very good)
Thank you LionLost!!! You are so lovely!! I'm sorry for the late reply. I so very much appreciate you making an account to comment - sometimes I forget that people play the game and don't comment, so I kind of anticipate the comments mostly. I'm just about to make a post, so please stay tuned for that!! And I'm so flattered that you think I'm a good person - I try, haha! <3 <3 <3
And don't worry, your English is just fine to me ;)
You're alive !! 😭😭😭 thanks for everything, I'm glad that you think my English is fine, I really try... but I'd like to know, I didn't find the Spotify's playlist ;-; could send the link??? I really want to listen the songs that helped you create this incredible world.
Thanks for reply <3 <3 <3 the time is just fine, the important is that try to
Oh, it's not often i find games that hit.. That close to the heart. I have too much emotions that i can't convey in comments, but i'd really wish to.
It feels painful to relate on so much levels with some of the characters.
Please feel free to convey said emotions, I'd love to hear them! Sorry I'm a bit late, haha. And yes - the characters are all very uh... troubled. Not in a stereotypical trauma-dump way, but a uh... sophisticated way. I think. Hope. Lol <3 And I'm so glad it hit close to your heart, cause I ripped out mine and put it in this game lol <3
holy fucking shit i came here expecting next from nothin and all of a sudden i'm fuckin blasted with some of the most well written scenes (especially the depressive ones) that i've ever seen!!
it easily became my favorite vn lmao
great job man, i fucking adore your style and i CAN'T wait to see the next update!
Thank you gakomi!!!! That is such high praise!! I'm so humbled by your compliment!! I'm so happy you enjoyed my art. I worked so hard on it, and it makes me smile knowing that it's one of your faves!!! <3 <3
Nawww, thank you!! My style is weeiiiirrrrdddd
When will you make more of the story i dont want it so end
Thank you for reading my visual novel!! I'm going to make a post very very soon, so please stay tuned for that!!! <3
When I was looking for a novel to play, I came across this game, and the first thing that surprised and attracted me was the concept of the main character: “A fox who bleeds from his ears and nose.” I was very attracted to this, and without thinking twice, I downloaded it. Then I passed it, and I was surprised that it was horror because I didn’t look at the tags initially and didn’t know that it was psychological horror, not just horror. The scene in the cave left an indelible mark on me. I then walked for several more days and had that same scene in my head. The OST is amazing. I'm not listening to it. I'm really looking forward to the next days. The story of Neo and Seth is very interesting. The author needs more patience and strength. I really want to plunge into this world again!
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to read my visual novel!!! I'm so sorry if the horror aspects caught you off guard - and I hope it didn't leave a negative impact on you!! But hey... I'm glad you got a few memories out of it! That scene in the cave was extremely important to me - and one that I am very proud of writing. It's a very familiar scene in my real life, and I'm glad I was able to put it in this visual novel and show my readers what mental health can look like!! <3 <3
And thank you for the compliment!! I worked so incredibly hard on the OST... so so many hours lmao <3
Thank you for the work done on the game, you shouldn’t regret that it turned out great, it’s worth saying that the horror element was really scary, you perfectly prepared the player for this moment with music and conversations with the characters, although I’m not a connoisseur of visual novels (after all, I’ve only played a few novels) As for me, you approached something like a doki-doki literary club. I also really want to note that the scene in the cave is, for me, one of the best scenes in the game, probably because of the turning point that occurs at this time.Now, you may not believe me, but I considered this moment and thought that at the time of developing this scene you were not going through the best moments in your life (or it’s just a bias towards the way people look with various psychological problems)
Not going to lie, I never comment on any vn I play (I play a lot) but this one is honestly one of the most enthralling stories I've read in a long time and I absolutely love the art! I binged the entire thing and now I'm eager for the next update! Amazing work! (P.S Android build worked perfectly I believe)
Thank you so much!!! I wasn't sure if the android version worked or not, so I'm glad it did! I can't believe I even figured it out lol. And thank you for the comment!!! I appreciate it more than you know!! <3 <3
but my usual monthly comment after an update has arrived!
First of all, I love all the changes you did even if minimal, it's really is a pain in the ass if you've already got so many sprites to edit and I assure you we'll be happy even if for you it doesn't look quite right since after all you as their creator will see details that most of us won't notice.
Second, I'm astonished with all the backgrounds that you made and 13 music tracks! You really made a lot of work for this update.
Now for the story: You almost made me had a heart attack, heck that disappearing act that Reuben did and the upcoming alphas that might put a stop to all Neo did, almost made me think we'd lose him.
I was surprised that Neo took out an omega like Darhunt in such a short time and (love the sun dagger design) thanks for another 101 of the Kalight body functions 'cause if I didn't know that I'd though Darhunt was a goner.
Is Neo secretly a past Alpha or Omega or something much more endearing?
More to the 101 biology of the Kalightians about their organs, much appreciated but I do have a question, Is their blood some kind of acid? that also tasted good or bad depending on the person and maybe what they eat.
MmmGHhhMm Reuben's scene...
I'm with Neo with this one, it's a bit soon but it's not like we ate, took or drank what was in front of us, they were just helping a buddy blacking a whole colony through a helping hand.
I'm so glad Neo was able to reason with Reuben 'cause if he didn't come with the Jaw Divers I'd manually put an option to stay with Reub and make the game end as one of the endings, glad that wasn't the case.
Ahh the finally a background that isn't a shade of gray, Purple Flesh Colony here we are!
Shame we didn't spend as much time in it like we did in the Black Colony, I really liked the design of the city and it's not as blinding as the White Colony, fortunately B man's bar is just the perfect place to shield my eyes from being blind. Now I wanna know how popular B man's bar is since his blood is so tasteful and the ambience is so moody in such a good way that it'd be like a chill café. Love our interaction with "Fanboy" Darhunt (Only for S'Ferro) and the little bed time story Seth told us.
Here you unlocked a part of DancingSeth.png
I'm not sure what to expect in the next updates since now they have a lot of open options. I won't bother you with the misspellings since there's almost none... depending if you're using American English over Britannic English.
Love from Bon <3 <3 <3
(I'll try to finish the "dancingseth.png" for next update and maybe add something more mmm, Until Next Time!)
Hello, my wonderful friend Bon!!! I'm so sorry I haven't replied... I've been going through a lot as usual... and I'll explain all in a post very soon. But thank you so, so much for your wonderful compliments and comments that I keep getting. Your comments are always one of my favourites to recieve!!!
Their blood is uh, kind of like an acid I guess! But moreso just blood! Or rather a more sophisticated type of blood that's a bit more efficient than ours.
HAHAHA!! Yes, that Reuben scene was honestly really hard to write. Not only because it's so sad... but because I've clearly gone through the same thing. Sitting there, not wanting anything, thinking your life is worthless and better off being over... only for you to get up and live another day, for no reason at all. Just the will to live is enough, without reason. It's quite a powerful scene - I genuinely think it's one of the best ones I've written as most of the time when a character is sad, there'll be a solution - or some sort of quote for the protagonist to lift them up. But here... it's just nothing. And I feel like that's more realistic...
Thank you so so much for the dancing Seth!!! That made my day when I saw it... and thank you so much for all the fan art and little gifts along the way. Honestly, it's what got me through a lot of the updates. I promise my work isn't finished (unless something happens to me out of my control) - and I sincerely hope to keep you as a loving fan.
I'm just about to make a post about a few things... please give it your attention! Of course, you've already done so much for me - I don't expect you to do any more. I honestly love you guys so much, especially you Bon!! <3 <3 <3
WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABT THE OST!? Like HELLO?! "Touch me lullaby" is so good!?!? (listening to it on repeat rn this game is so good :3)
Hehehehe, thank you!!! I worked so hard on the soundtrack - I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! "Touch Me Lullaby" is a distorted version of a song I made back in Year 12 when I was going through a lot of mental issues. It's probably the saddest song I've ever written, and I thought putting it right before the possible suicide scene would make a lot of sense!! :3
Loved the vn and the android thing worked btw!
My favorite Visual novel in 2024
Nawww, you guys are just so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!!
How the hell is this vn so good!?
Thank you so much my friend!!! <3 <3
You know the devs are cooking when the game hasn't even started yet and you get to troll the system by pressing the third choice
HAHAHA, I used that for Flatwood Drop-Outs (my first VN) and I had to keep it in. I always loved the idea of answering with "maybe" cause why tf not you know XP
😳 Bulge...
🤤 Bulge...
Lol, but in all seriousness 👀
This has quickly become a feel good novel for me 😊 I find myself smiling, and even laughing, with every update. The world is so fascinating and fun to learn about, and while such intricate details would usually make it feel messy, xour style of writing, or perhaps simply the overall delivery of the story, doesn't make it feel strenuous or confusing to read 😌
Xou're doing a great job, btw 🙂 I know, better than most, the struggles of being overly critical on one's self, and while I haven't yet found a better solution other than spending time outside my head, and perhaps receiving encouragement from others, sometimes xou just gotta keep soldiering through! 😋 There are people who love what xou're doing, so just keep doing it! 😉
Thank you so much Phamyne!! I sincerely appreciate your wonderful compliments!! I tried really hard to balance what to explain to the reader and what not to explain - I hope I did an okay job lol!! One piece of advice I would recommend would be to remind yourself of reality and what really matters - a bird's eye view, perhaps. Just know that you're one little spec on the planet with billions of other little specs bustling around - no matter what you do or what you think, the only opinion that matters is yours! And nothing anyone does will have an eternal impact, so don't worry!! you're perfect the way you are <3
Please keep an eye out for future posts, btw!! <3